Languages of Aventuria

Alaani (Norbardian)

Although Alaani, the language of Norbards, developed from the original Tulamidya, there is little in common with the Tulamidya: only a few words bear witness to the common origin. Alaani has more consonants than Garethi and other human languages; furthermore, vowels in a word cannot be used as freely as in the Tulamidya. Numerous complicated language rules provide information about the use of vowels and make pronunciation difficult. Most Norbards usually also speak Nujuka and Garethi, so that you can communicate well with them.


Amuurak is the language “spoken” by ape-men and consists of grunts and gestures.

Ancient Kemi

Ancient Kemi is actually extinct now, but is kept alive by some Kemi authorities. It belongs to the Tulamidya language family and uses the same script.


In addition to the common dwarf language Rogolan, there are numerous secret languages of the guilds that also use additional or modified runes. They are used to record the secrets of a guild. The now-defunct Angram, also known as Old Dwarvish, was developed 5000 years ago. In contrast to normal Rogolan, it is purely a pictorial and symbolic script, so that the meaning of the runes is not always clear.


Asdharia, the ancient language of the high elves, is considered one of the most difficult languages of Aventuria. Without the ability to speak in two voices, it is impossible to articulate them perfectly, and not all elves have mastered the language in which the ancient magic songs are sung.


Atak is a sign language that evolved from Tulamidya signs and gestures. It is used by the Phex followers for silent and secret communication, be it thieves talking quietly at “work” or traders wanting to “talk” wildly gesticulating in the deafening noise of a bazaar.

Aureliani, Cyclopean

Aureliani aka Ancient Gyldenlandian has evolved into Bosparano and Cyclopean. It belongs to the Garethian language family and is no longer spoken in Aventuria. Cyclopean developed independently from Aureliani and is spoken almost exclusively on the Cyclopean Islands. It mostly uses Kusliker characters as script.


Today’s Garethi is a further development of Bosparano, which in turn comes from Old Gyldenland — the language of the first Aventurian settlers. Bosparano, also known as Old Aventurian, is still spoken today by priests, magicians and scholars. The 31 characters of Kuslik are used to write the Garethi, the Thorwalsch and the Bosparano, while old Gyldenland has 57 characters.

Charypto (Pirate Language)

Charypto or Buccaneer is the South Aventurian-influenced gibberish of Garethi and Tulamidya of the Buccaneers. It is interspersed with influences from many other languages, most notably Mohish, Thorwalsch and expressions from the seamen language. The language is spoken by buccaneers and pirates around South Aventuria, especially in the South Sea and local ports.


Cyclopish is the language of the Cyclopes. The associated script is the Cyclopish runes.

Dragon Tongue

The language of the dragons is a pure mind communication. Most of the intelligent dragons even know several human languages, but they love to communicate mentally. Unless the dragon opens his mind, a spellcaster must use an appropriate spell to understand their native idiom. The closest equivalent in the realm of magic is said to be the mental communication some witches have with their familiars.


Dschuku is the language of the Jucumaqh and is made up of various North-Uthurian and South-Aventurian languages. A written form does not exist.

Ferkina, Ruuz

Ferkina is a language that developed from the original Tulamidya and has no writing. Ruuz is the almost extinct language of the Maraskan original settlers, the Beni Rurech. It is written with the 300 characters of the medium Tulamidya script. It is closely related to the Rur and Gror belief. Ruuz is a Ferkina dialect of the Tulamidya language family.

Fjarningsch, Hjaldisch, Saga-Thorwalsch

Fjarningsch is the language of the Fjarnings. It developed from the Hjaldingsch and is similar to the Saga Thorwalsch.


Foxish is not a language in the true sense. It is used throughout Aventuria by thieves and beggars to exchange messages. Secret words, hand signals and symbols, so-called tines, are used for this.


The Garethi is the most widespread language in Aventuria, one can communicate with it almost everywhere. Numerous special forms and dialects have developed since the first Gyldenland settlers set foot on Aventuria land. Worth mentioning are Bornish of Bornland, Brabaci, which is spoken throughout the south, and Maraskani(sh) on the island of Maraskan. These dialects mostly differ from High Garethi by partly significant deviations in vocabulary and pronunciation.


Gjalskisch is the mother tongue of the Gjalskerlanders and a variant of Thorwalsch. The associated script bears the same name.


Goblinish language, unrelated to orcish, is mostly spoken only by the old goblin tribes. Roving goblins tend to learn human Garethi. Goblinish has a small vocabulary, and lengthy paraphrases are often required to describe complex processes. Goblins do not have their own script.

Golp, Tief-Dwarvish

Golp is the language of the cave moles. The language is considered primitive and has no writing. It consists of clicking and cracking sounds, reminiscent of stones hitting each other. The language is particularly widespread among the mole clans living far away from the surface. Moles living near the surface, are considered animals and degenerate in their ability to communicate.


Grolmish aka Grolmurian is the language of all grolms and their Myranorian - G’Rolmur. It is difficult to learn because of its clicking and cracking sounds.


The human tribe of Hagrim (dragon children) who immigrated from Riesland have their own language and live in the Forest Mountains. For centuries their ruler was the three-headed Dragon King Suldrú the Cruel, who ruled Hagrim with the help of the Hagish (dragonlings) and the Hoard-Keeper.

Hummerisch / Lobsterish

Only lobsters can learn this language.


The lovely and melodious language of the elves, Isdira, is not easy for humans to learn. The subtlety of sound differences makes it difficult for a person to discern differences in the meaning of a word. Isdira is written using 27 characters consisting of elaborate flourishes and loops.


In order to speak the language of kobolds, one must cast a speeding spell, otherwise a human’s tongue is not quick enough to form the fast words. Only pranksters, raised by goblins, can speak kobold tongue without resorting to magic.


Krakonian language is a variant of Rssahh, but they can also speak human languages with their vocal cords.


Marish is the language of the intelligent peoples of the blue and black mares and belongs to the Rissoal language family. The corresponding writing represents the marish glyphs.

Mohish, Puka-Puka

Mohish is spoken by the inhabitants of the Rainforest, the Mohas and other tribes. It is characterized by a relatively small vocabulary. However, by adding adjectives and paraphrasing objects, it is possible to create new expressions. The basic words, mostly one or two syllables, are rich in vowels and melodic in sound. The dialects differ from tribe to tribe, but understanding is quite possible. The forest people and the raft people speak a language that is very different because of the thousands of years of separation. The language of the forest islands is also known as Puka-Puka. It does not have a script.


Molochish is the language of Moloch people. It contains elements of Alaani and Tocamuyac.

Necker Song

Necker singing is the language of the Oceanians. Merpeople also use the Mind Images spell when communicating. The written form does not exist.

Nujuka (Nivesian)

Nujuka of the Nivese folk is not related to any other Aventurian language. It contains a very large number of adjectives and a relatively small number of nouns. The speakers use clicking sounds, which di not exist elsewhere, apart from the Grolm language. In addition, some vowels are used that are not used in Garethi. Though Nivesians know no writing, they exchange news using painted pieces of leather or tree bark. A message that should last longer is also often carved into the bone. Most of these signs differ from clan to clan and from tribe to tribe.

Oloarkh / Ologhaijan / Ogrish

Orcish is characterized by its numerous croaking and growling sounds. It is quite easy for a human to learn since the vocabulary is quite small; only the pronunciation causes difficulties. Strictly speaking, the term “Orcish” also encompasses a large number of individual dialects. Here the most important are the Oloarkh of the roaming Orcs and Ologhaijan, the “high language” of the Orclanders. The Oloarkh, which is heavily mixed with the Garethi, is difficult to communicate with in Orcland. However, the Ologhaijan enables good communication everywhere. Some terms of orcish are also spoken by most ogres. Although one has heard the term ogric, these primitive giants do not have a language of their own; rather, they speak a “short form” of Orcish.


Petaya is the non-written language of the Owangi, which contains several different dialects. It belongs to the language family of forest people.

Raven Language

Only the Boron priests of Al’Anfa and Mengbilla use raven language in worship. Some Raven tongue terms have also entered common parlance in Al’Anfa and the surrounding area. Although some of the expressions used come from the Tulamidya, there is no relationship between the two languages.


Rissoal is the language of the Risso. It has no associated writing.


Common to all dwarves of Aventuria is Rogolan. It sounds dark and rumbling to human ears, as all dwarves tend to choke on the vowels. Rogolan consists of a wealth of word chains of different sizes, which only differ in the vowels. Rogolan has been written down for about 4500 years in the 20 characters of the “short runic alphabet”: the actual runic alphabet, however, includes four more characters. None of the runes have flourishes or slurs, making them easy to carve.


Rssahh is a language that is difficult for humans to learn because of its daring consonants. Already spoken in the time of Pyrdacor and constantly improved and simplified, this language is today the common language of all Achaz, Krakonians and Marus. The Zilites also understand this language, but cannot speak it because they have no vocal cords.


Thorwalsch, the language spoken by Thorwalians, goes back to the same source as Bosparano: both languages are based on Old Gyldenlandian. Even if the Thorwalsch rope has not developed further for almost 2000 years, a Thorwalians and a Middenrealmers can understand each other if they speak slowly and use limited vocabulary. The most important characteristic of Thorwalsch is the absence of forms of politeness and titles of nobility. Thorwalians adopted the Kuslik characters. Only the skalds — the Thorwal bards — still master the old rune signs.

Trollish, Giantish

A language that is also slowly dying out with the people who speak it — the trolls — is Trollish. It is also not a written language, and so it is slowly falling into oblivion. The Giantish language is considered to be as good as extinct in Aventuria.

Tulamidya, Ur-Tulamidya

Tulamidya is the most commonly spoken language after Garethi. It is the main language of the Aventurian natives, the Tulamydes. It has many dialects, especially in the Khom Desert there are some tribes whose language is more like the original form, the original Tulamidya, than the language as it is spoken today. The 19 Sacred Glyphs of Unau have been used to write the Tulamidya since the triumph of the Novadis more than 200 years ago. These arose from the 56 signs of the Tulamidya, which developed from the approx. 300 signs of the original Ur-Tulamidya.


Wudu is the language of Wudu in the Dark Ages. It is the only language of the forest people that has its own script.


Xoxota is the language of the Xo’Artal, related to the forestmen languages and the Rssahh. The Xo’Artal glyphs are used for writing.


Yetan is an Aventurian language of the Yetis.


Z’Lit is the language of the Zilites. It consists of hissing and whistling sounds that cannot be produced by ordinary vocal cords. A corresponding script does not exist.


Zelemja, spoken only in Selem and the surrounding area, arose from a fusion of Rssahh and Ur-Tulamidya; later Bosparano influences were added. The structure of the Zelemja is more like that of the lizard folk. In pronunciation is most comparable to Tulamidya. Zelemja’s writing consists of around 5000 word, punctuation and phonetic characters; it has existed since the dawn of Tulamydian civilization.


The Zhayad is a script and language that is particularly popular with magicians who devote themselves to summoning demons. They claim that only in this language is it possible to speak the correct magic formulas and incantations. The origin of the language is also hidden in the darkness of Aventurian history: the first signs of Zhayad that have survived appear in the writings of Fran-Horas 1600 years ago. Signs of the Zhayad are used in most demonological works today, and it is common for conjurers to write the names of demons in contracted characters of the Zhayad. Some magicians even claim that the Zhayad is the language of the Netherhells.

Zhulchammaqra, Kurga

The throaty-hard Zhulchammaqra (also Zulchammaqra) is the language of the Trolltooths and belongs to the language family Tulamidya.