Arsenal Keeper

Arsenal Keeper

Class: Male, Human, Armorer, Merchant

What do you want here at the arsenal?

“What do you want here at the arsenal?” an old, one-legged man asks rather distractedly, as he’s busy rifling through the piles of paper on his desk.
“Have you got a writ from the hetman or from Jadra?” he continues without lifting his head.

“Yes, we do. Here it is.”

“No, do we need it?”

“Well surprise, surprise, that hasn’t happened in years. Are we at war, then? Oh well, I don’t care, no one is going to draft me anymore. Come along, i’ll show you the weapons available. Just take what you need. It’s yours, up to a value of %d [N] ducats.
itake your money until you leave again!”

“Yes, you do. I can’t just give away arms without authorization! You want weapons, get some papers!”

Tags: Thorwal [+]