

Class: Male, Human, Rogue

Your money or your lives!

In front of you, four footpads block the hollow you are marching along. Another scruffy thief has jumped out behind you and is keeping you well in the sights of his crossbow.
“Your money or your lives!”
Do you

* Fight?

* Try to flee?

* Bargain with the bandits?

“We charge a modest toll of fifteen ducats per person.”

“There, may you suffocate on your greed!”

“How about fifteen blows per person!”

“In the name of the hetman! Step aside, you scum!”

Suddenly, four brigands jump up from behind some bushes. As you look behind you, you notice your retreat is blocked by three more of the thieving bandits.
wait a minute… they’re not just brigands, they are orcs, slowly advancing on you with their weapons drawn…
Do you

* Fight?

* Flee?

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