

Class: Human

Whoa, that’s a big sword you’ve got!

A child stops in front of you and stares at your weapons with big, round eyes.
“Whoa, that’s a big sword you’ve got!”

A small boy runs after you, screaming as if demons were after him.
“Wait up! There’s something important i’ve got to tell you!” on catching up to you, he smiles at [NAME] and says:
“Your shoes are undone!”

Without warning, you are bombarded with horse manure. You can just see some children duck behind a wall. When you reach it, a pair of large, innocent eyes greet you.
“Alrik ran thataway,” a girl tells you and points at a doorway. Those eyes could not be capable of such devious practical jokes, so it must be someone else crying out at your backs:
“Yeecchh, you are dirty!”

A child comes running up to you.
“You want to know what I dreamt?” he crows.
“I dreamt someone buried a large sword in the orcish lands, right where… coming, mommy!”

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