Ektor Gremob

Ektor Gremob

Class: Male, Human, Priest, Rogue

Do you want a taste of the divine food offered to you by the greatest of all gods?

There is a very fat man, probably about 50 years old or so, sitting on the floor of the large, empty hall housing the obelisk. He is humming a soothing tune but when he hears you enter, he turns around and gets up awkwardly.
“Oh, new ones, and outside the appointed hours. Do you want a taste of the divine food offered to you by the greatest of all gods?”

When you see the light in his eyes, you find it easy to overlook his unpleasant appearance. Those eyes have you in their thrall; on some undefinable level you know your lives have taken a decisive turn.

“Yes, please!”

“I beg you, give me the divine food!”

“Yes, oh yes, yes!”

As soon as you look into the eyes of the man, you know there is nothing holy about him. There is nothing but greed shining within those tiny pig eyes as he stares at you and asks:
“New ones? At this hour? Has the call of the new god finally reached you, too? Here, take and eat all of this. This divine food will bring the revelation you have been searching for all along.”

“Forget it! What is that stuff?”

“Well, I guess it won’t do any harm.”

“All right then, in the gods’ names.”

“Twenty ducats from each of you would be an appropriate offering.”

The man looks over his shoulder and whispers:
“Keep your voices down! See me at my villa tonight and I’ll explain everything! Really, everything you want to know!”

“Ah, the new ones again. I know what you want. It is so hard to estimate the effect of the divine bread at first. Well, that will be a sacrifice of twenty five ducats per head for the sake of our god.”

“There they are, boys! Do them in!” the high priest shouts, as you enter the temple, and sets four armed men on you.

“No thanks!”

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