Jadra Thornsdottir

Jadra Thornsdottir

Class: Female, Human, Official, Thorwaler

My best wishes, and may Swafnir be with you!

This is the city magistrate’s building. There is a young thorwalian girl dressed in the typical garb of her people in the entry hall.

“We would like to know whether the town needs any capable fighters for dangerous missions?”

“What do you think this is, a mercenaries’ agency? Why don’t you ask at the harbor… maybe one of the captains will take you on.”

“The hetman sent us.”

“We want to become citizens of Thorwal.”

“We need money for an important assignment.”

“One moment, please.”

“You’re the adventurers the hetman chose for the quest, aren’t you? Well, if you are successful, you will be made Thorwalians anyway, so we’ll forget about the formalities for now.”

“That’s what they all say. If you need money for food, ask at the temples of Travia or Peraine; if you need a lot of money, ask at Stoerrebrandt’s office.”

A few minutes later, a martial looking thorwalian woman enters the hall.
“Jadra Thornsdottir, hetwoman of Bodir and something like a mayoress of this city. Tronde charged you with a dangerous quest, didn’t he? Well, as we are more or less at war with the orcs, I can give you a writ that lets you have weapons from the armory. Don’t overdo it, though, you couldn’t carry any canons anyway. My best wishes, and may Swafnir be with you!” Jadra scribbles something on a piece of paper and hands it to you.
“Good luck.”

“You’ve got everything you need!”

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