

Class: Male, Human

If something’s to stop the orcs, it definitely is Hyggelik’s sword.

“If something’s to stop the orcs, it definitely is Hyggelik’s sword.”

A man mumbles to himself and while turning back to his business he adds:

“…And if only someone could find it.”

“Uuuuh…” a fat man grunts as he opens to your knocks. “Whoozzat?” a raunchyfemale voice from the house calls.

“The search party, aren’t you?” the manutters, eyeing you suspiciously. “You must be looking for the fabulous bladeof destiny, aren’t you? Good luck!”

Then he shuts the door quite ungently.

“Have you heard the latest news?” the man who opened the door asks anxiously.

“The orcs are said to have taken Phexcaer…”

“Give me a break” one of you answers, “The orcs may be preparing for battle but none of them would dareto show his tusks in Phexcaer!”

“Hope you’re right!” the man says reluctantly closing the door.

Tags: Thorwal [+]