Stover Regolan Stoerrebrandt

Stover Regolan Stoerrebrandt

Class: Male, Human, Merchant

Thank you! Do come again!

You enter the richly furnished office of the Festum trade prince Stover Regolan Stoerrebrandt, one of Arkania’s richest men. Besides being involved in heavy trading, Stoerrebrandt has a money exchange and loan here.
Your account: [N] silver pieces
Do you

* Deposit gold?

* Take out gold?

How many pieces of silver?

You can borrow no more than twenty ducats a month!

Your debt with Stoerrebrandt amounts to more than one hundred ducats. You have to deposit some money to avoid getting into severe credit problems.

“Thank you! Do come again!”

“Ha! Ha! Ha!” the clerk answers with biting sarcasm.


Stover Stoerrebrandt’s

Tags: Thorwal [+]