Treborn Kolberg

Treborn Kolberg

Class: Male, Human, Merchant

My name is Treborn Kolberg, and I trade in everything you might want.
Treborn Kolberg

A coach is coming your way.
“Hello!” the driver greets you and halts his vehicle.
“If I may introduce myself…” he jumps down. “My name is Treborn Kolberg, and I trade in everything you might want.”

You introduce yourselves.

You look at him in astonishment.

“What? You never saw a travelling salesman before? Forget it, just take a look at my wares, will you?”

“Pleased to meet you! Would you like to take a look at what’s on display?”

“No, thanks, we’re in a hurry.”

“Yes, let’s see something.”

“That’s a pity, because I really have some excellent wares! But, if you’re in a hurry, I won’t keep you. Have a nice journey!”

“And you!” you continue on your way.

“We do have a bit of time…”

“It was a pleasure meeting you.” he takes his leave with a polite bow, climbs up and drives on. You continue on your way.

“Now, I do have something special to offer you. A treasure map. Mind you, it’s 60 [N] ducats!”

“We’ll take it!”

“We haven’t got that much!”

“60! You have paid 5 at most yourself!”

“A wise decision! When you dig out the treasure, you will surely find twenty times as much. I’m surprised that Algrid Trondesdotter in Hjalsingor ever sold the map to me, but I guess she doesn’t have the time to go treasure hunting. Well, for that matter neither do i, or I’d keep it for myself.” after you pay him, he gives you a yellowed scrap of parchment.

“Hey! There’s a piece missing!”

“A really good deal, have a nice journey!”

“Ah yes, did I forget to mention that? This is only half of the map - the other half is in the hands of a guy by the name of Jurge Torfinsson in Skjal, a simple and somewhat naïve chap. He’ll give it to you. And if not…”

After you’ve studied the map intensively, you look back up to the man.

“How would you know about that? I paid more than enough for it! Anyway - I’m not going to let you bargain for it.”

“So you’ll have to sell something, until you have the asking price!”

“We need all our gear!”

“All right, how much would you pay?”

“Well, I can’t help you then. Should you find some money… you may find me at home in clanegh… if you’re lucky. Have a nice journey!”

“We’ll be there!”

“We’ll see!” he jumps up onto his coach and drives off.

“That’s what I thought…”

“What you sold won’t be enough to pay for the map!”

“Now, do you want the map?”

“Forget it, the map is too expensive for us.”

“Still, it was fun doing business with you! Should you change your mind after all…you can find me at my home in clanegh… if you’re lucky, that is. Have a nice journey!”
he clambers up onto his coach and drives off. You march on.

A foreign-looking fellow opens the door and you recognize him as Treborn kolberg.
“What do you want?” he looks you over and it takes a minute before recognition appears in his eyes.
“Ah yes, I remember you - you’re here for the map. You are lucky I’m at home for a change, and that I haven’t sold the map yet.
come on in.”

Inside, he offers you a good wine.
“Now, if you have the 75 [N] ducats, we can get down to business…”

“75! The price was 60?!”

“We’ll take it!”

“We’re not here for the map.”

“Now you are surprising me! What did you come for?”

“Nothing much…”

“Just for a courtesy visit.”

“How nice,” the merchant says.
despite his disappointment, he remains calm and courteous, a true sign of a good merchant. Still, after one hour his patience comes to an end and he finds a pretense to be rid of you.

“Still, it’s nice of you to come by!” the merchant notes with a hint of irony.
after one hour, he finds a pretense to be rid of you.

“Unfortunately, inflation waits for no man. Do you want the map or don’t you?”

“No, that’s too pricy for us!”

“That price is an offer of pure friendship. If I may take my leave now - I’m expecting an important visitor.”
he accompanies you to the door.

“A wise decision! When you dig out the treasure, you will surely find twenty times as much. I’m surprised that Algrid Trondesdotter in Hjalsingor ever sold the map to me, but I guess she doesn’t have the time to go treasure hunting. Well for that matter, neither do i.” after you pay him, he gives you a yellowed scrap of parchment.

“Hey! There’s a piece missing!”

“Well, we really have to be going!”

“Ah yes, did I forget to mention that? This is only half the map - the other half is in the hands of one Jurge Torfinsson in Skjal, a simple and somewhat naïve chap. He’ll give it to you, I’m sure. Now if I may take my leave?…I’m expecting a very important visitor.” he accompanies you to the door.

“Good luck on the treasure hunt!” he accompanies you to the door.

After you have studied the map intensively, you look back up at the man.

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