Yasma Thinmarsdotter

Yasma Thinmarsdotter

Class: Female, Human

Just a sec!

The house looks as if someone has just moved in. You knock.

“Just a sec!” a woman’s voice calls from the inside. After a few minutes, a black-haired woman of about 30 [N] years opens the door. She looks at you with an inquiring expression.
“Hello there. Who are you if I may ask?”

You introduce yourselves.

“We are here on the hetman’s orders.”

She thinks for a while.
“Oh, you must want Hasgar Hasgarsson - I’m sorry, but he doesn’t live here anymore.”

“No, we’re looking for Yasma Thinmarsdotter…”

“That’s right. Could you tell us where he moved to?”

“I don’t know. He wanted to go to Thorwal - at least, that’s what I think. He didn’t really say much, only gave some vague hints. You’ll have to ask someone else.”

“I don’t want to be rude, but I have a lot of work to do. Good bye.” without waiting for an answer, she shuts the door.

You leave to ask around Thoss.

You knock again.

The woman wears a look of irritation and barely opens the door to just poke her head out.
“Now what? I really don’t know where Hasgar is.”

The house looks very bright - it seems to have been painted recently. You knock, but nobody seems to be at home.

“You are looking for me?!” the woman looks at you in askance.
“I don’t believe it - what do you want?”

“You are a relative of Hyggelik’s, aren’t you?”

“We are looking for Hyggelik’s sword.”

“Certainly not! But he’s given me a lot of trouble…”

“You’re not the only ones! His sword has given me a lot of trouble lately…”

“But why are we standing out here, do come in. Just don’t look around, it’s a bit messy in there. I just moved in a few days ago.”

A “Bit” messy is putting it very mildly. There are boxes everywhere. You have to watch out not to trip over something. Yasma cleans up a few boxes, gets some chairs from another room and asks you to get as comfortable as you can manage.

“…now, where was i?! Oh yes, the sword, I remember. Well, of course I’ve never seen the sword, but this parchment seems to offer a chance of finding it. You see, it was like this…”

“All this mess isn’t just from moving in here. I’d barely been in Thoss - I used to live in Clanegh, you know… anyway, when this strange fellow appeared at my door.”

“He asked me for a map drawn by old Hyggelik. Of course, I didn’t tell him anything. The next day he came back with two hulking brutes and took the place apart. Of course, he found the map and took it. Let me tell you, if I ever get my hands on that devil again…”

“But I know where you could find him. There are some old, abandoned ruins by the road to Thoss, very easy to miss. It’s a small path, about 12 [N] miles from here - you have to go around the mountain before you can even see the place.”

“But I’m just talking and talking, without offering you anything. Would you like a drink?”

“No thanks, we just had one.”

“Yes, please!”

“What a pity. I’ve got some of my famous moonshine in the back. Ah well…”

She gets a jug from the next room, gathers some cups from various corners and pours.
“Down the hatch!”

“Now, what do you want with Hyggelik’s sword?”

You tell her the whole story.

“We are looking on the hetman’s orders.”

“Ah yes, you said that, didn’t you? On the hetman’s orders! That’s a real honor for you, of course. The hetman doesn’t just deal with anybody. He must consider you reliable. I shall help you as best I can.”

“I know how you could make some progress. My family used to have two maps, but my father lost one of them gambling with… wait a minute, what was his name… Hjore Ahrensson.. Used to live in Ottarje, some 40 [N] years ago it was.”

“And you could ask old Umbrik too. He knows scores of people. Lives in Orvil, he does.”

“Thank you, you were a great help.”

“Thank you, is that all you know?”

“My pleasure. But I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave now though. I’ve got loads of work waiting for me.” she accompanies you to the door and leaves you with a friendly farewell.

“Right now I can’t think of anything else that might be of help to you - anyway, I have to ask you to leave now, because I’ve got a lot of work waiting for me.” she accompanies you to the door and leaves you with a friendly farewell.

Tags: Thoss [+]