Young Warrior

Young Warrior

Class: Male, Human, Guard, Warrior

Halt! Who goes there! Rondra be with you! What’s the password?

High above the town rises the old imperial fortress, called “Old Ugdalf” by the thorwalians. Here resides the thorwalian war academy, a not very prestigious, but necessary and useful institution.
As you approach the gates, two snappy young warriors block your way:
“Halt! Who goes there! Rondra be with you! What’s the password?”

* “Rondra with you! Conference with master Dramosch!”

* “O.k., o.k., we’re leaving!”

“Sorry! No admittance! Orders!”

“One moment! I’ll ask!”

“Green kale and bacon!”

“Anvil crowns!”

“Rondra be with you!”

“Ogre battle!”

“Too secret for you.”

“Borbarad’s alive and well.”

“Free Maraskan!”

“Where’s the potty?”

“Salza is ours!”

“End of the line, Honak!”

Master Dramosch

Tags: Thorwal [+]