Riva Salmonhaul

Riva Salmonhaul

Original Character: Riva_Salmfang Wiki

Position: Firun Devotee

Class: Female, Human, Elf, Priest, Nivese

  1. Most beastingers have the shape of otters, squirrels, or birds.
  2. They are playful and like to prank humans. They can cast spells, but only rarely use them. Often they behave like normal animals, to blend in.
  3. There are beastingers shaped like wolves and boars, but these large versions are warriors and guards in the fairy realm and not as harmless as their smaller cousins.
  1. Blossom fairies are peaceful creatures that mean no harm.
  2. All blossom fairies are female. At least, nobody has ever seen a male blossom fairy.
  3. There are stories about corrupted blossom fairies that are among some of the Nameless One’s most terrible servants.
  1. Borbarad mosquitoes are named after their creator. They suck the memories from people.
  2. These creatures were created as chimeras by the Demon Master, but what other creature was used besides a mosquito will always remain a mystery.
  3. If killed while feeding, Borbarad mosquitoes inject a weak poison. Only magic can kill them harmlessly.
  1. Karmanthi are most common in northern Aventuria. They often hunt in packs and attack as one.
  2. These creatures are especially dangerous in packs, because they urge each other on.
  3. These demons serve the icy hunter Nagrach.
  1. Cave dragons prefer to consume virgins; gender is not important.
  2. Cave dragons do not always consume virgins, but virgins are their preferred food. Luckily, cave dragons understand speech and are willing to negotiate if the price is right.
  3. They can cast spells but are not masters of magic. Powerful spellcasters can impress them greatly.
  1. Giant wyverns are among the strongest and largest types of dragons. Luckily, they are not the smartest.
  2. Each head has its own personality. Sometimes they even argue. If you cut off a head, it grows back, but the new personality retains none of the previous head’s memories.
  3. If heroes can manage to cut off all three heads in a short time, the giant wyvern dies immediately.
  1. A glacier worm is a dangerous type of dragon that is evil and skilled with magic. They start their lives in the form of a caterpillar.
  2. They cannot breathe fire, but are impervious to ice and flame.
  3. Glacier worms are enemies with frost worms, a different type of ice dragon. According to rumors, the dark elf Pardona created these monsters with dark magic. Luckily, glacier worms rarely use their magical powers.
  1. Pit worms smell horrible.
  2. Pit worms live in swamps, marshes, and stagnant pools, and sometimes attack people.
  3. Even though they are related to dragons, they cannot breathe fire and do not amass hoards.
  1. Tree dragons become aggressive when you threaten their nest. They like shiny objects.
  2. You can lure them with shiny items. They can use their fire breath five times per day.
  3. You can dodge their fire breath if you know how they set up their attacks.
  1. Giant stag beetles view human-sized creatures not as prey, but as a threat, and attack whenever they meet one.
  2. Their armor is weaker on the underbelly.
  3. Young giant stag beetles can be trained and led on a leash (this modern fashion was all the rage in Gareth for a time). Some people use them occasionally as guard animals.
  1. Rumors say gorgers can only see their prey if it moves.
  2. Gorgers have poor endurance for hunters. They usually give up on chasing faster prey or opponents after a while. Unfortunately, gorgers are faster than most humans, achaz, and dwarves.
  3. Gorgers try to kill prey even if sated at the moment. They hang it on trees, to consume at a later date. Trees strung with dead animals are sure signs that a gorger is close.
  1. Griffons are holy animals of Praios, the lord of the gods, and can cast miracles similar to the ones granted to his Blessed Ones.
  2. Even though they appear to be chimeras, they are not magical.
  3. Whole groups of griffons live together in the Orclands and certain other remote areas.
  1. Ikanaria butterflies can mesmerize onlookers with their beauty.
  2. If you look at the butterfly, you pursue it, heedless of your surroundings. Ikanaria view spellcasters as rivals and fly toward them as soon as they notice them.
  3. The high elves of Simyala bred ikanaria butterflies. When their great city fell, the creatures escaped and spread all over Aventuria.
  1. Manticores are dangerous chimeras, but sometimes it is possible to engage them in conversation. If their animalistic mind is in control, they are really dangerous. Despite its chimerological roots, the manticore is considered a holy animal of Kor.
  2. The manticore’s venom is extremely dangerous and can paralyze a human in moments.
  3. Manticores must usually be created with magic, but some specimens can reproduce. Many manticores with this heritage possess above average intelligence. The legendary manticore guardian of Princess Nedime is even said to love the fine arts, and music in particular.
  1. Morfus have enough splinters for almost a dozen attacks.
  2. Morfus do not pursue fleeing opponents.
  3. Morfus perceive their surroundings through vibration and heat. Manipulation these factors can confuse morfus.
  1. saber-toothed tigers usually hunt alone and prey on humans who enter their territory.
  2. Saber-toothed tigers are especially dangerous because they do not hesitate to attack prey outside of their territories. Even though they are solitary, they gather in small hunting groups in lean times.
  3. Saber-toothed tigers can drag prey away (see special rule Drag Prey Away).
  1. These creatures from the Far North are hard to spot in snow and ice due to their white fur.
  2. Snow-lurkers like to strike from ambush, even against human-sized targets. They don’t fight for long, however, and often retreat and try to ambush from a different location.
  3. Injured snow-lurkers grow more aggressive and more dangerous, until they eventually become enraged.
  1. white harriers are daimonids.
  2. some think they were cross-bred from silver wolves and demons called tuur-amash. In reality, white harriers are the offspring of wolves and karmanthi.
  3. White harriers can be distracted with food. When presented with a chunk of meat, the two heads will quarrel for a bit to decide which will swallow it.
  1. Wolf lizards are one of the classic chimeras. People have been creating them for millennia, but still nobody can create a wolf-lizard that can procreate.
  2. the wolf-lizard form is based on the image of a legendary monster that lived somewhere between Chorhop and Mengbilla. They are very susceptible to the cold and can survive exposure to the cold only for a few minutes.
  3. Wolf-lizards can hide well in green surroundings, as their scales make them very difficult to see.
  1. Alligators do not attack when you fall into the water or enter their territory. They prefer to swim up to their prey stealthily and try to surprise it.
  2. starving alligators sometimes bicker while attacking prey. Such moments can give you the opportunity to escape.
  3. When alligators are sated, they do not attack, and you can usually pass them by without risk.
  1. Badgers feed on worms, fruit, and small rodents. They do not consider humans to be prey, but they defend themselves when startled or threatened.
  2. Badgers can sometimes be trained to carry loads or even pull sledges. Badgers hunt snakes and are immune to their poison.
  3. Striped badgers are afraid of elephants. Snow badgers can be trained to pull sledges. The sweettooth badger can be pacified with sweet fruit or honey.
  1. Bird spider venom is not very dangerous.
  2. Bird spiders have been growing more aggressive and are now considered an annoying pest.
  3. According to some legends, bird spiders are spies of the Nameless One.
  1. Brabacudas attack anything that swims in front of their mouths, even two-legged creatures standing on dry land near the water. They pounce on careless targets to try to knock them into the water.
  2. Brabacuda flesh is poisonous.
  3. If you filet a brabacuda carefully and in the right places, you can separate the poisonous flesh from the edible parts.
  1. Camels can store water and don’t need to drink for many days.
  2. You can tell from a camel’s hump whether it has had recent access to water, and also if it has a disease.
  3. There are various types of camel, such as the Qaimuyan, the Qai’Chelar, and the Qai’Ahjan. Each differs in endurance and speed.
  1. Constrictors’ most common prey animals are monkeys, big cats, and any smaller animal they can catch. They do not refuse a human-sized target if it is an easy meal.
  2. Constrictors are not poisonous. Instead they try to squeeze their prey to death and then swallow it whole.
  3. Some constrictors supposedly have the ability to hypnotize their prey to prevent it from running away. These snakes have noticeably darker scales.
  1. Crowned stags are the largest deer in Aventuria. During rutting season, you should stay out of their way, as they can react aggressively to two-legged creatures, too.
  2. the age of a crowned stag can be determined by its chin beard. The longer and grayer it is, the older and stronger the stag. Crowned stags remain healthy and vigorous even in old age.
  3. According to some legends, crowned stags dislike felines. As the tales go, an old stag once battled a cheetah on the prowl, and the crowned stag won the battle.
  1. Deer are skittish and run when they notice a threat.
  2. never underestimate roebucks; they try to throw or trample their opponents when cornered or when their offspring are threatened.
  3. When an opponent falls prone on the ground, the roebuck ceases to trample. If the opponent then retreats, the roebuck does not pursue.
  1. Donkeys are stubborn and stupid. If they don’t want to move, they won’t move.
  2. Donkeys are suspicious. If you stand in front of a donkey or otherwise block its view of the road, it will stop moving. This is why some people mistakenly think donkeys are stubborn. Also, donkeys are not stupid; in fact, quite the opposite is true.
  3. Donkeys need a companion, without which they slowly wither and die. The human that provides their care can be this companion. Donkeys can be friends for life.
  1. Horned saurians are rather docile, but can become frenzied when provoked or attacked.
  2. The horned saurian’s horn plate can be fashioned into trophies, weapons, and even shields.
  3. Horned saurians can be trained to serve as mounts.
  1. Jaguars are attracted by the smell of meat cooking on a campfire. They evaluate human-sized prey carefully before deciding whether to attack.
  2. The Forest Folk tribes of Southern Aventuria worship Kamaluq, the divine jaguar. Whether the killing of a jaguar gains the respect of a tribe, or makes the Forest Folk angry, differs from tribe to tribe and from family to family.
  3. Jaguars drag their prey to a safe place.
  1. Karans are herd animals that are very docile, despite their prominent incisors.
  2. Karans run away at the first sign of danger.
  3. Karans can be domesticated to serve as draft or pack animals.
  1. Vultures are scavengers that usually do not attack two-legged creatures (it’s easier to wait for them to die of thirst in the desert).
  2. large numbers of vultures in the sky are most likely circling some animal (or a traveler in the desert) that is almost dead.
  3. Vultures defend their offspring to the death. If you get closer than 30 feet to chicks in a vulture’s nest, the parents attack.
  1. Mammoths can survive in very low temperatures.
  2. Mammoths are afraid of fire.
  3. Individual animals can be isolated with fire and driven into pits. This is the most common way to hunt mammoths and is the preferred method of the Nivese.
  1. Ongalo cattle are most comfortable in herds. They are docile if you do not threaten them or their offspring.
  2. Ongalo bulls live apart from herds and are more aggressive and more easily threatened than others. They often attack without apparent reason.
  3. The horns of an Ongalo bull are important for the rituals of bull cults and supposedly make them easier to perform. Ongalo bulls react aggressively to the color purple.
  1. Ostriches cannot fly, but they can run very quickly.
  2. You can train ostriches, and they even race ostrich carts in Arania.
  3. Two-legged creatures can normally approach within 60 feet of an ostrich nest before the birds attack.
  1. Piranhas usually feed on small fish or dead animals, but when hungry, they sometimes attack human-sized or even larger creatures.
  2. you can cross bodies of water inhabited by piranhas in relative safety, as long as you do not have open wounds.
  3. You can fool piranhas by planting a lure of bloody meat somewhere upstream. They then feed on the lure and won’t attack people or animals that must cross a river with fresh injuries.
  1. Foxes are the holy animals of Phex, and people consider them lucky. Foxes do not attack humans without good reason (such as when suffering from rabies).
  2. the paws and tails of red foxes are often sold as lucky charms, but the Church of Phex condemns the practice of hunting these animals for this purpose.
  3. One in a thousand red foxes is born with white fur. These animals are not nursed by their mothers, but still manage to survive in the wilderness. They are symbols of bad luck in the best of cases, and servants of the Nameless One in the worst.
  1. These birds are considered kings of the air, and their feathers have always been coveted.
  2. An eagle’s nest is usually inhabited by a pair of eagles that share in the raising of young.
  3. Royal eagles are almost extinct. It is forbidden in the Middenrealm and Horasian Empire to shoot at these birds if you do not have to defend yourself. Stealing their eggs is also forbidden.
  1. Striped sharks are attracted to blood.*
  2. Striped sharks risk entering city harbors for the many things that fall (or are thrown) into the water for the sharks to eat.
  3. Striped sharks are very aggressive and gather in small hunting groups to seek prey.
  1. Skunks are docile as long as you do not provoke or corner them, or threaten their young.
  2. Skunks can spray up to a distance of 9 feet.
  3. Skunks take a short winter nap of about four weeks’ duration during the month of Firun. If disturbed during this time, they react with extreme aggression and attack at once.
  1. Storm falcons are excellent hunters, but they are difficult to train.
  2. Travelers are often attacked by storm falcons in forests and mountains when they unwittingly get too close to an aerie.
  3. when you retreat away from a storm falcon aerie, they cease their attacks.
  1. Vampire bats attack when somebody approaches within 21 feet. Vampire bats do not like fire.
  2. Vampire bats always try to attack weak spots. Despite their name, they do not suck blood, but they do bite.
  3. Vampire bats can transmit various diseases.
  1. War dogs are bred mainly by orcs, who use them for combat and intimidation.
  2. War dogs do not normally flee, even when badly hurt.
  3. Light wounds are enough to send the dogs into a state of frenzy that only ends when their prey is ripped apart.
  1. Woolly rhinoceri can’t see very well, but they have exceptional senses of hearing and smell. If you remain quiet and stay downwind, you can get quite close to the animal without being noticed.
  2. Sometimes woolly rhinoceri withdraw from combat suddenly, but it is best not to agitate them at all. Also, if you see one lower its head, climb a tree.
  3. A woolly rhinoceros defends its young to the death. Avoid threatening their young at all costs.
  1. Even though scorpions are relatively docile, they pose a risk to the unwary, as they like to hide in shoes or under blankets.
  2. A sting from a yellow-tailed scorpion is rarely lethal.
  3. Scorpion venom is often used by assassins, but they must usually refine it, first.

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