
Hail thee in the name of Travia, goddess of the hearth and of hospitality.

The late arrival is quite obviously a druid, carrying a sickle and a small bag of herbs.

“If you have no objections, I would like to make myself a soup with these fresh herbs over your fire.” Do you

  • grant the old man his request?
  • decide not to overdo this hospitality routine?
  • chase the scrounger off after all?

The druid gets down to business right away, and before long, there's a hot soup brewing above the flames. “Have some yourselves.” Do you

  • take up his offer?
  • decline graciously?

The soup is simply delicious, and it doesn't take long for you to empty the whole pot. The druid continues on his way, and you can return to your dreams.

You wake up totally exhausted with fierce headaches.

All of you dreamt of your journey, though mostly about paths and roadways you have never set foot on. Nevertheless, you have the feeling to know them down to every detail.

[Name]'s Strength is reduced by 2 points.

Suddenly, [Name] wakes up and notices something sniffing around your backpacks.

When [s]he jumps up, a shadow disappears into the darkness.

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