

Position: Merchant

Class: Female, Dwarf, Merchant

Tolerance: 7

Ooh, tall folk! And such cute ones, too!





Well, there’s this sort and that sort, meaning some are tougher than others.


Not here, darling. That’s for sure.


A lady should never travel on her own. Besides, no one should travel through the mountains alone. It’s much too dangerous.


It’s somewhat dangerous in the mountains but nobody is forced to travel alone.


It’s quite calm here. Strangers can only seldomly be seen around here.



I’d really like to chat some more, but I’m sure you have better things to do with your time. - I know I do!

A love song for Gundgrima

In a world of stone, where the forges glow,
There's a dwarf named Gundgrima, her spirit aglow.
With hair like sunlight, her golden strands,
A chandler by trade, with skilled, gentle hands.

Oh, Gundgrima, fair as the dawn,
Your radiance shines, a love so strong.
In your presence, my heart's aflame,
For you, Angroschna, I'll sing this refrain.

In her workshop, where candles are born,
Gundgrima crafts beauty, each flame adorned.
Her eyes, like gems, with a fiery spark,
Illuminate the darkness, igniting a spark.

Oh, Gundgrima, fair as the dawn,
Your radiance shines, a love so strong.
In your presence, my heart's aflame,
For you, Angroschna, I'll sing this refrain.

Through the flickering glow of candlelight,
Our love blossoms, an eternal delight.
Together we'll walk, hand in hand,
In a world where our hearts will forever expand.

Gundgrima, my love, with a heart so true,
You brighten my days, paint my skies with blue.
Your laughter, a melody that fills the air,
With you by my side, I've found love so rare.

Oh, Gundgrima, fair as the dawn,
Your radiance shines, a love so strong.
In your presence, my heart's aflame,
For you, Angroschna, I'll sing this refrain.

So let the mountains echo our love's decree,
As Gundgrima, my darling, you're all I see.
Together, forever, our hearts will entwine,
A love like ours, enduring and divine.

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