
Hail thee in the name of Travia, Goddess of the hearth and of hospitality.

The late arrival is quite obviously a hunter, who obviously has not found any game yet.

“Would you mind if I warm up at your fire for a bit?” the visitor asks before you have a chance to get a better impression of him. Do you

  • offer him a seat?
  • chase him off, as he can’t be up to any good?
  • ask him what’s he doing on the road this late first?

Cursing loudly, the figure disappears in the dark of night.

“Normally, this is a good time to catch weasles and similar game. You know, beasts with pelts you can sell for a good price. But I haven’t had any luck so far tonight.” Do you

  • offer him a place by the fire now?
  • chase him off because you don’t believe a word?

The guy sits down by the campfire and starts telling you about his efforts with some very accurate descriptions of the surrounding area.

But when his stomach starts to growl, he interrupts himself. “You wouldn’t happen to have a bit of food for me?” Do you want to

  • take a look to see whether you have anything to spare?
  • decide not to overdo this hospitality routine?
  • chase that scrounger off after all?

After you dig up something edible from a backpack, your guest digs in. While he consumes his meal with obvious delight, he continues describing the paths of the area. In doing that, he mentions the “great Thasch pass” quite often.

Finally, he has fin ished his meal and sets off on his travels again.

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