

Class: Male, Dwarf, Official

In the town of Tjolmar, stout and bold,
Dwelled Ingramosch, ambassador true,
With a heart of iron and tales to unfold,
He journeyed far as the dwarves' envoy.

But fate took a turn, so unforeseen,
A golden dragon, mighty and grand,
With eyes of fire, gleaming keen,
Petrified Ingramosch, where he would stand.

In his frozen state, a statue of awe,
Ingramosch awaited a hero's call,
And six unknown souls, without a flaw,
Answered the plea, they would not let him fall.

They battled the dragon, fierce and untamed,
With valor and strength, they stood as one,
Through fire and fury, they never waned,
Their bravery shone beneath the sun.

Their swords clashed with the dragon's might,
As the six heroes fought with all power,
And as the dragon fell in the final fight,
Ingramosch was freed from his petrified plight.

Oh, brave heroes, saviors of the dwarf,
Ingramosch's gratitude knows no bounds,
Your valor and courage, beyond all worth,
For in your actions, true heroism resounds.

Now the ambassador stands tall and free,
His heart filled with gratitude and grace,
Ingramosch, a symbol of unity,
Bearing the memory of those heroes they embrace.

In the pubs of Tjolmar and in its streets,
The tale of Ingramosch shall forever be told,
Of the golden dragon and the heroes six,
Their deeds of valor, a saga untold.

Tags: Tjolmar [+]