Master Deringorn

Master Deringorn

Position: Master at Hall of Power

Class: Male, Human, Rogue

Yes, what do you want from me?
“Please excuse the disturbance.”

“Yeah, yeah - all right.”

And you’re back staring at a closed door.

“We were told to give you this package compliments of Dragan.”

“Do come in.”

“No, thanks, we have a lot more things to do yet.”

“All right then, don’t come in, but tell Dragan he’s going to hear from me!”

“Why, certainly!”

Master Deringorn tells you with a suddenly sharp voice. You hardly enter the house when a lot of armed men appear out of hiding and surround you. You are completely cornered.

“Now, you unsuspecting dupes - go and give Dragan my best regards as well. Tell him I won’t give up!”

Master Deringorn gestures to his companions. They release their hold on you somewhat before throwing you bodily out into the street.

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