Mistress Usdiane

Mistress Usdiane

Position: Mistress at Academy of Deformations

Class: Female, Human, Mage, Scholar

What can I do for you?

A young woman opens the door:

What can I do for you?

We are looking for a place to stay.

I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong place for that - why don’t you ask at the temple of Travia on the western side of the market square? Perhaps there is something else I can help you with?

No, that was it really.

Well, I bid you farewell then. But you can come back anytime you need something examined, an artifact or something like that.

We would like to have something examined.

It’s one gold piece per artifact.

Do you have her examine something? or do you save your money for some other purpose?

“Well then, let’s see the object of your interest,” the Mistress says.

Who would like to have something examined?

“It’s going to take a while - I’m sorry, but I can’t ask you inside.”

With that, the woman disappears behind the door. Half an hour later, you start to get impatient… waiting in front of her house like that. Then, she reappears and returns your item. [RESULT]

Now then, I do hope that will be of help to you. Is there anything else you would like to have examined?


In that case, you’ll have to pardon me for saying good-bye. But if you have another problem later, feel free to drop by.

Tags: Lowangen [+]