Musician / Jester

Musician / Jester
Hail thee in the name of Travia, Goddess of the hearth and of hospitality.
Musician / Jester

After shaking off the remnants of dreamland and clearing your minds, you can get a closer look at the late arrival.

It is quite obviously a musician, as is plainly visible from his colorful clothes and the lute he’s carrying.

“I’m in a great hurry because my aunt from Lowangen is on her death bed.” Do you * offer him a place by the fire now? * chase him off because you don’t believe a word?

You locate something edible in one of the backpacks and give some of it to the jester.

“You’re not from around here, are you? I’ve got a map of the area on me. I’d be willing to let you look it over as a favor for fellow travelers.”

After you’ve memorized the roads of the immediate area, the traveler continues on his way.

Are you going to give the jester his ducat?

“All right, have it your way!” With these words, the jester continues his nocturnal journey.

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