Officer of the Guard

Officer of the Guard

Position: Officer at the Eydal Bridge

Class: Female, Human, Guard

Tolerance: 3

”Aah, new recruits! - Hey, stop running away, ’t was just a joke!

Officer of the Guard

If you want to volunteer for the guards, put your name on the list over there!


That’s a good one, ho ho ho. Nice joke. Sure, we have lodgings for you, various suites with a nice view of the Svelltje!


All food beyond the permitted rations have to be surrendered at the magistracy.


Dispensing travel information is hardly our province. Now, do you have something of importance on your mind?


You’ve come to the wrong place for travel information. Now, is there anything important I can help you with?


We are not in the busisness of dispensing travel information. Do you have anything important you want to ask me?


Does this look like a place where you can go for travel information? Now, I hope you have something important?


You’ve come to the wrong place for travel information. Now, is there anything important I can help you with?


Does this look like a place where you can go for travel information? Now, I hope you have something important.


You are entitled to what you are carrying. But if you were to volunteer to part with a dagger or two, I’m sure no one would be offended!


Dispensing travel information is hardly our province. Now, do you have something urgent on your mind?


Never heard of him.


I don’t know where the healer is right now. I suggest you ask at the Colorful Flight.


Never heard of him.


Never heard of him.


He is well known here. He just, eh - visits us from time to time, if you know what I mean…

Just what do you think this is, a tea house? Unless you have something important to say, I suggest, you stop wasting my time - right now!

Ah, yes, I can see why you’re here - you’ve come to surrender your surplus weapons. Well then, let’s have a look at them…

There, you see? We can do without this here knife all right.

Whatever you say, officer. Check our equipment thoroughly for anything you can use.
What do you mean... surrender surplus weapons?! We need every piece of them ourselves!

You will have to do without a lot more than that if you continue to give me lip! Now, get a move on and show me what you have!

How stupid do you take us for? If we do that, you’ll take them away!
All right, then. Here - look for yourself.

That’s the spirit! I wish everybody were as reasonable as you are.

After a cursory examination, a few of your weapons are held back.

That’s more like it.

After the officer gives your equipment a thorough once-over, the majority of your armaments is confiscated for the guards.

Good, and now get out of my sight.

Without waiting for a reaction from you, the officer slams the door in your faces.

I’ve just about had it with your jokes. Are you going to surrender your weapons peacefully, or do I have to get rough with you?!

You want any of our weapons? You’ll have to come and take them!


It doesn’t take long for some guardsmen to come to the assistance of their officer.

Do you hang around? or make tracks?

Lock that scum away for a couple of days!

Within moments, you are completely surrounded by guardsmen who take you deeper into the building.

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