Raisha Rotenegger

Raisha Rotenegger

Class: Female, Human, Merchant, Rogue

I assume you’ve come to do a bit of shopping?!

The door opens just a crack, and a red-haired woman looks out:

“What’s the matter?”

“Pardon the disturbance.”
“We’ve only recently arrived in Lowangen and we’d like…”

Before you can say anything else, the redhead slams the door in your faces. You hear her bolt it from the inside.

Do you knock again? or give up and leave?

The redhead doesn’t react to your knocking, so you might as well give up and leave instead of standing here wasting time.

“Someone recommended you.”

“Someone did, did he? Well, who was it then?”

“I forget the name, but I remember the fellow told us we would be able to buy things from you.”

“I guess the fellow made a mistake then!”

“Dragan sent us here.”

“Dragan, eh? Well, that’s a good reference. Do come in!”

“A nice fellow by the name of Brin Vaskendantz gave us your address.”

“That name does sound familiar somehow - oh, all right, come on in. I meant no offense.”

The redhead opens the door wide and leads you to a room piled high with all kinds of merchandise.

“I assume you’ve come to do a bit of shopping?!”

Tags: Lowangen [+]