

Class: Male, Human, Shephard

Tolerance: 6

Peraine bless youse!

An old shepherd sits by the side of the roads, knitting a giant sock and smiling to himself. “Peraine bless youse!” he calls, when he sees you.

Oh well, me sheep want to trek on, and it’s best to let them have their way. Looks like I’ll have to leave youse now.


They’re supposed to make beautiful music, but I have never seen one myself.


Oh, they leave me alone, though every now and then they bother my sheep.




Unfriendly people, they were in such a hurry, that they frightened all of my sheep. I had a lot of trouble to get them together again. So this happened more to the south.

I got to take care about my sheep again.

Oh, well, me sheep want to trek on, and it’s best to let them have their way. Looks like I’ll have to leave youse now.

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