Vindaria Leechbronn

Vindaria Leechbronn

Class: Female, Human, Rogue

A blonde woman opens the door. When she sees you, she immediately slams it shut.

Do you leave? knock again? try to force your way inside?

After a number of knocks, nothing happens. Well, that’s not entirely true. You hear a lot of hectic noise coming from inside the house.

After a while, things quiet down inside. But it still doesn’t look like anyone intends to come to the door.

Do [Name1] and [Name2] try to break open the massive door by throwing themselves against it. After repeated tries, they finally succeed and fall into the house on top of the collapsed door.

Some figures that were sitting around a table have jumped up and grabbed knives, sabres or whatever else they could get their hands on in a hurry, to confront you.

A number of well-armed opponents are waiting behind the door and attack you. Do you search the building? or would you rather get away? search the building more thoroughly?

There really isn’t anything else to find here. You should really get a move on now so you will be gone when the town guard arrives.

We were at the contact address we got from Sudran Alatzer in Kvirasim. After all, what’s more sensible than to look for the Salamander Stone where we were supposed to deliver it?

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