Stone Guardian

Stone Guardian

Amidst the silent, ancient realm of stone,
A guardian stands, unmoving, alone.
Carved from the mountains, rugged and grand,
A sentinel strong, a protector of the land.

Moss and lichen adorn its weathered face,
Time etched in lines, telling tales of grace.
Through ages it's watched, unyielding and true,
Guarding the secrets that the earth once knew.

A silent sentinel, steadfast and bold,
In the shifting shadows, its story unfolds.
A symbol of strength, of resilience and might,
Guiding lost souls through the darkest of night.

Stone guardian, ancient and wise,
Gazing beyond the horizon's guise.
In your steadfast presence, we find our way,
Under the moon's gentle, silvery sway.

Amidst the whispers of the winds that roam,
You stand as a symbol of our eternal home.
A sentinel of stone, forever to be,
A guardian of dreams, for all to see.