Hiding Lynx

Hiding Lynx

You notice a lynx hiding some few hundred paces in front of you. Some mountain goats are approaching from the other side. What do you do now?

Wait for the predator to kill his prey or walk on and take the risk of a fight?


Lynx Hiding

After a while, a high-pitched shriek rends the quiet. The lynx has found its prey…

The lynx is intelligent enough to know it doesn’t stand a chance against you and disappears behind the nearest boulder with a few wide leaps.


Lynx Hiding

You notice a lynx sitting in a tree watching you. What are you going to do?

* Flee like cowards, * give the tree a wide berth, or * walk on carefully?


Lynx Hiding

You pass the tree in about 15-paces distance and see the lynx up in the branches, settling down for a nap. It doesn't appear to be interested in you at all.


Tags: Rorkvell