Realms of Arkania Online
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Arkania Online vs RoA Trilogy Differences

spielleiterin spielleiterin says:

RoA 1: staff luminosity in dungeons is sufficient
RoA 2: Flim Flam is brighter than staff
RoA 3: torches, lanterns and Flim Flam are brighter than staff
Arkania Online: staff luminosity is sufficient, but additional light sources raise perception

RoA 1: no effect
RoA 2: overnight possible, high regeneration of LE and AE
RoA 3: overnight not possible, low regeneration of LE
Arkania Online: depends on the brothel

spielleiterin spielleiterin says:


Poisoning Melee Weapons
RoA 1-3: 10 attacks and parries
Arkania Online: the poison wears off after combat

Poisoning Arrows
RoA 1: all arrows stack is poisoned
RoA 2-3: 5 first arrows are poisoned
Arkania Online: 10 arrows from the stack get poisoned and cannot be mixed with other arrows (the item icon changes, too)

RoA 1: consumed on use
RoA 2-3: consumed on use, can be picked after the fight
Arkania Online: two scenarios are possible:
1) If used as a ranged weapon the spear is consumed and can be recovered after the fight.
2) If used as a melee weapon on the close target, the spear remains in its holder's hand.

spielleiterin spielleiterin says:


RoA 1: maximum discount 50%, 3 attempts per day
RoA 2: maximum discount 30%
RoA 3: discount is calculated automatically
Arkania Online: discount is calculated automatically, limited by 30%

spielleiterin spielleiterin says:


RoA 1: affects the whole party
RoA 2-3: affects the caster only
Arkania Online: affects the caster only

Without Trace
RoA 1: affects the whole party
RoA 2-3: affects the caster only
Arkania Online: affects the whole party

spielleiterin spielleiterin says:


Belmart and Menchal
RoA 1: protects against diseases and poisoning
RoA 2: increases magic resistance, the effect summs up
RoA 3: increases magic resistance, the effect is limited to +3 MR
Arkania Online: the effect is limited to +3 MR

Books and Scrolls
RoA 1: useless
RoA 2: the book can be used to collect alchemical recipes
RoA 3: the book can be used as recipe book or notice book
Arkania Online: diary, recipe book and notice book are part of GUI (not items), while empty books are useless

RoA 1: can be used by druids
RoA 2-3: cannot be used by druids
Arkania Online: can be used by druids

Crystal Ball
RoA 1: increases danger sense when held in hands
RoA 2-3: increases danger sense when in inventory
Arkania Online: increases danger sense when in inventory

Dolphin Amulet
RoA 1-2: does not exist
RoA 3: useless
Arkania Online: magical, swim +1, allows to understand mermish language

Green Amulet
RoA 1-2: does not exist
RoA 3: produces light when activated, uses are limited
Arkania Online: always produces light

Iron Helmet
RoA 1: can be used by any character except mages, druids and witches
RoA 2: can be used by warriors, dwarves, thorwalers and green elves
RoA 3: can be used by warriors, dwarves and thorwalers only
Arkania Online: can be used by warriors, dwarves and thorwalers only

RoA 1: does not exist
RoA 2-3: used to collect keys
Arkania Online: the keyring is a part of GUI, the empty keyring item is useless

Red and Green Robes
RoA 1-3: useless
Arkania Online: protect from rain and cold

Silver Helmet
RoA 1-2: any character
RoA 3: any character except witches and druids
Arkania Online: any character

Skull Girdle
RoA 1: increases NE when held in hand
RoA 2-3: increases NE when worn in belt slot, might disappear
Arkania Online: increases NE when worn in belt slot, disappears if reputation with Boron turns negative

Slingshot and Stones
RoA 1: useless
RoA 2: removed
RoA 3: missile weapon with stones as ammo, the stones can be found in the Queen's hive
Arkania: missile weapon with stones as ammo, the stones can be picked in various places

RoA 1: no effect
RoA 2-3: increases regeneration while rest
Arkania Online: doubles regeneration while rest

Thrown Weapons
RoA 1-2: land back in backpack of any hero depending on the available space
RoA 3: appear in the item distributor
Arkania Online: land back in the backpack of the hero who used them

RoA 1: useless
RoA 2-3: lowers weapons breaking factor
Arkania Online: lowers weapons breaking factor

Writing Utensils
RoA 1: useless
RoA 2-3: used to copy recipes to the recipe book
Arkania Online: used to copy recipes to the recipe book
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