Ogdan Tiefhuser

Ogdan Tiefhuser

Position: Tavernkeeper in Rorkvell

Class: Male, Human, Landlord

Ogdan Tiefhuser is the new owner of "Under the Hammer of Graptaar" Inn in Rorkvell. Born into a family of rogues, Ogdan inherited a penchant for easy ways to get rich. From the stories of his parents and rumors from the city, he learned that countless treasures were stored in the cellar under the local tavern. The former owner of the tavern, the old woman Murxea from the gnomes, according to rumors, had access to them, but due to greed she did not allow herself excesses. However, she always hired the most expensive professional rat-catchers from major cities, grumbling, they say, "the locals are no good." During the capture of Rorkvell, Murxea died. Taking advantage of the commotion, Ogdan wrote a fake will, proclaimed himself the heir of a mischievous childless old Dwarf woman, and the tavern passed to him.

As soon as he became the owner, Ogdan armed himself with a dagger and a torch and went down to the cellar of the tavern in search of treasure. Behind a pile of rotten barrels and cobwebs, he really found an underground tunnel infested with rats leading to a cave. Inside were mountains of gold, treasures, and ancient scrolls. But there was also… a dragon. Ogdan ran away from him, but the dragon cornered him and spoke to him. It turned out that the dragon cannot leave the cave, so he has to eat only what gets inside. The monster ordered Ogdan to send people to the cave every week, and in return promised not to touch him (after all, only Ogdan could now provide him with food) and even allowed him to take treasures, but not more than a certain amount at a time. But he allowed to take as many scrolls as you like - for the dragon only gold is of value.

Since then, Ogdan's affairs have gone uphill. Like the previous mistress Murxea, he began to invite rat-catchers from neighboring cities and invite them into the cellar, leaving the secret door open beforehand. And when the rat-catcher, drawn by the "source" of the flood of rats, got into the cave, Ogdan locked the secret door, dooming the poor fellows to be torn to pieces by the dragon.

Ogdan always comes up with different reasons for the disappearance of the rat catchers. Especially curious and observant also went to feed. Even the servants in his tavern Ogdan recruited the most stupid, so that they would not suspect anything and spread rumors.

Ogdan is also very afraid that the forgery of Murxea's will will be exposed and the tavern will be taken away from him. He himself introduced himself as her good friend and, for persuasiveness, hung her portraits on all the walls of the tavern (and the physiognomy of the old mischievous Murxea was to match the character). When Ogdan is asked about Murxea, he makes up stories. When they point out a discrepancy to him, he sheds a tear and dodges the conversation - they say, it hurts him to remember this wonderful kind old woman.

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