Grimwolf / Direwolf

Arkania Online Monsters - Grimwolf / Direwolf
Common Aventurian wolves reach a shoulder height of just under a stride and have a gray, sometimes brown, fur of considerable length. They are not very brave and fear fire and human settlements. However, when starvation drives them, they forget all their fears and attack well-guarded herds or even tour groups. The only thing that helps against an attack by a pack of wolves is a quick escape up a tree.

Location: Andergast, Nostria, Garetia, Weiden, Tobria, Arania (forests)
Height: 4 spans Weight: 80 stones
CR 10 d6+7 AT 9 PA 4
LP 18 d6+14 AR 2 Damage d6+2*
MP 12 END 80 MR 0 Danger 4 (pack 18)
Loot: 25 rations, pelt (5S)

There is a 5% chance of an infected animal in a pack of wolves, which spreads either madness (1-15 of d20) or rabies (16-20).