Wolf, Steppe Dog

Arkania Online Monsters - Wolf, Steppe Dog
Steppe dogs usually hunt in packs of three to five animals only at night. A group of people is attacked only by a starving pack. However, sometimes the steppe dogs regard a single person as easy prey and attack. Steppe dogs are particularly dangerous in winter, when they sometimes band together in large packs (2d6+8) and go hunting due to severe food shortages. In a fight, the steppe dog tries to bite through its opponent's throat with its extremely sharp and powerful teeth. The animals often bite the opponent's arm or leg.
Location North Aventuria steppes
Height: 3.75 span Weight: 40-50 stones
CR 17 d6+14 AT 14* PA 6
LP 30 2d6+23 AR 2 Damage d6+4 (bite)
MP 15 END 80 MR -4 Danger 4
Hunt: +10, Loot: 20 rations, pelt (0S)
The Steppenhund tries to bite through his opponent's throat with a targeted attack and at the same time throw him down. If the AT succeeds with an even number of points, the dog bites its arm or leg (without further attacks per combat round D6+1 damage points, until the animal had to accept two hits (no PA)).