Floating Corpse

Floating Corpse

A grim tableau unfolds upon the river's surface, as a lifeless form drifts with the languid current. The ghastly visage of a man, once animated by the breath of life, now adrift in the cold embrace of the water. His pallid skin, kissed by the pale light of the moon, tells a tale of a tragic demise.

Tattered garments cling to the sodden frame, offering little dignity to the departed. The river, a silent witness to the macabre ballet, carries the body towards an unknown destination. Perhaps the man met his fate through foul play, or the whims of the river-gods deemed his journey to be at its end.

The mournful rustle of reeds along the riverbank accompanies the somber scene, as if nature itself weeps for the untimely departure. Shadows dance upon the water's surface, casting an eerie pallor upon the lifeless figure. In death's embrace, the man becomes a haunting specter, a silent testament to the mysteries that linger beneath the moonlit surface of the river.