

As you approach, a young man drops one of the balls he is juggling. He scoops it up again with a well-oiled movement, and the whole thing would probably have passed unnoticed if he hadn’t suddenly stared right at [NAME].

“[S]he put a hex on me! I’m not staying here for one more second!”

Within moments, the jesters have disappeared, and the only people remaining on the scene are a number of spectators looking at [NAME] in a fairly hostile manner. You have robbed them of their entertainment.

Will you
  • stare back and look just as hostile
  • or rather make tracks, inconspicuous like?

The crowd stays hostile, but no one makes a move. Only a fat man standing in the front row shakes his fist in a threatening manner.
“We don’t want any [Conjurers/Witches] here! Get lost!”

Now do you want to
  • leave already
  • or do you refuse to give in to these scum-dogs and try to appear threatening yourselves?

Just when the fat man and [NAME] are standing eye to eye and the situation threatens to become critical, ten town guards come marching around the corner. As a result the fat gets very friendly, shaking the hand of [NAME], pretending they are old friends and then clears off as inconspicuous as possible.



Tags: Lowangen