

Where the road seems to disappear into the river, a ferry is tied to a landing stage.

However, there is no sign of anyone who might haul you over in it. Do you

  • Wait?
  • Find some other way to go?
  • Take the matter into your own hands?

Like experienced riverboatmen you, you steer the ferry to the opposite bank.



You are standing on the bank of the Finstersvellt. The ferryman sits beside a very rickety looking ferry. Do you want to * ask the ferryman about hauling you over or * turn around and find your way along this river bank?


The ferryman is none to friendly: "You want across? That'll be 1 silvers per head if you wait until I've got enough passengers, or 4 silvers if you're in a hurry. So, what'll it be then?"

  • “Thanks, we'd rather find a different way.”
  • “We'll wait until your craft is full.”
  • “We are in a hurry. Here's your 4 silvers per head. Now get moving!”


Tags: Aumond, Finsterkamm