
Assignments: violent change, destruction, renewal, light, warmth, creativity, lack of self-control, physical love, aggression, fever

Counter Element: Water

Attribute: Courage

Colors: red

Associated Deities: Angrosch, Brazoragh, Ingerimm, Kamaluq, Kor, Praios, Rahja, Rondra, Redtrail, Shinxir, Simia

Wanderstars and Constellations: Planet Kor, Sulvo Star (the red glowing eye in the constellation of the Mare), the Sun, Constellations Dragon, Hero and Ogre Cross

Seasons: Praios month, dry season (especially in South Aventuria), the summer, Fireday

Hesindian Art: rhetoric

Minerals and Metals: fire opal, copper, obsidian, pyrite, ruby

Associated Substances: formic acid, dragon and tatzelworm blood, fire moss, hot spices, coal, jellyfish nettles, phosphorus, salamander secretion, liquor, sulfur

Special Locations: Citadel of Fire, Veiled City of Mandalya, Plateau of Fire, Abyss, Tarf El’Hazaqur Mor Monastery

Major Elementalists: grandmasters Pyriander Di’Ariarchos and Xenos of the Flames, der free teacher Halib abu’l Ketab

Fire is the element of destruction and annihilation, light and warmth, the unbridled desire for change. It shows in the blazing flame, in the gleam of the sun, in the creative drive and in the glowing gaze that lovers throw at each other.

It is irrepressible and dangerous: a moment of inattention and a roaring hearth becomes a blazing blaze that greedily eats its way through the streets. Fire is the only one of the six elements that is never safe to touch. It is wild and impetuous, even a breath of wind makes blazing flames beat out of smoldering coals. Fire is greedy, for it perishes unless constantly nourished. Its power can liquefy ore and ice, vaporize water, and consume soil. Even air, heated by the scorching desert sun, loses its mobility and grows tired and sluggish.

But with all its destructive power, fire also means life. In spring, the sun's light gives plants the strength to break through the cold blanket of snow. It's the warmth of the roaring campfire that keeps travelers from the cold at night. Without the fire the world would be dark, cold and dead.

The spiritual aspects of fire are anger and courage, uncontrolled and daring action, but also creativity and passion. Mortals inspired by fire become crazed berserkers or filled with ingenious creativity.

Crystalomancy associates fire with sparkling ruby and gleaming obsidian, while alchemy associates the reddish shimmering metal copper. Fire also includes all easily flammable substances, such as phosphorus, or those with a destructive and decomposing effect, such as acids of any kind. Of the Hesindian arts, rhetoric corresponds to it, since those inspired by fire are blessed with powerful wit and eloquence.

According to the dwarves, Angrosh, called Ingerimm by many people, is the god of fire. The Nivese, on the other hand, worship the sky wolf Redtail, who stole the fire. Ancient sources in Gildenland mention a fire goddess of the creative arts named Siminia, in whom devotees would see Simia, the son of Ingerimm and Tsas. Ancient fragments from the Rain Mountains even praise Praios as the god of fire. The scholars only agree on the lord of the demonic fire: It is Agrimoth who is said to have enslaved the blazing element in his domain Widharcal in order to forge demonic weapons there for the last battle.