Woods Pricelist Prices vary depending on the distance to the appropriate logging area. Prices in Gareth, per stone for seasoned, unprocessed heartwood (larger quantities or entire tree trunks can be significantly cheaper). IconGermanEnglishPrice Baum der Reisenden *Tree of Travelers *8 S BlutulmeBlood Elm9 S BosparanieBosparanie15 H Eisenbaum *Iron Tree12 S GeisterbucheGhost Beech5 S MammutbaumMammoth Tree4 S MohagoniMohagony7 S SatuariensbuschSatuaria Bush4 S SteineicheStone Oak3 S WalnussbaumWalnut Tree2 S ZyklopenzederCyclopean Cedar5 S * Since the occupation of Maraskan