Oloarkh, Ologhaijan, Ogrish
Orcish is characterized by its numerous croaking and growling sounds. It is quite easy for a human to learn since the vocabulary is quite small; only the pronunciation causes difficulties. Strictly speaking, the term “Orcish” also encompasses a large number of individual dialects. Here the most important are the Oloarkh of the roaming Orcs and Ologhaijan, the “high language” of the Orclanders. The Oloarkh, which is heavily mixed with the Garethi, is difficult to communicate with in Orcland. However, the Ologhaijan enables good communication everywhere. Some terms of orcish are also spoken by most ogres. Although one has heard the term ogric, these primitive giants do not have a language of their own; rather, they speak a “short form” of Orcish.