

Class: Female, Human, Witch

How did you find me, and what do you want here?

An old woman comes out of the building and looks at you astonished.

How did you find me, and what do you want here?

  • We need your help.
  • It is said you know your way around here.
  • Are you a witch?

And what is it you want to know?

  • We are looking for a missing man from Lowangen.
  • We are looking for a southern exit from this swamp.
  • We urgently need healing.

The crone silently laughs to herself.

I can help you, no question there. But I won't do it for free. What's the phrase again? You rub my back; I rub yours. So, you listen good:

To the northeast of here, there is an island in the middle of a lake. A sorcerer lives there. Why things are the way they are is of no concern to you, but we are enemies. He hurts my animals, all the time, uses them for his experiments, and in general is a miserable old fart. He has a crystal ball in his possession. If I had that ball, I would at last be able to undo all the evil this caustic spellmonger has done to the creatures of this swamp.

Get me that crystal ball, and I'll help you as well as I am able to.

With these words, the woman returns to her cabin and shuts the door behind her.

The crone comes closer with a cynical grin on her lips.

“I was hoping you could manage the mission, but the main thing is the magician is dead. Unfortunately in the meantime, I have been forced to conclude that you aren't much better he was; you killed my animals as well. Surely you understand that I cannot help you anymore, but instead am forced to punish you for your crimes.”

Tags: Ansvell [+]