Village Chief

Village Chief

Class: Male, Achaz

Tolerance: 12

“We do not welcome you in Ansssvell, ssstrangersss; too many of my people have ssssuffered. If you want to take a ressst here, look for a plassse to ssse eassst, near ssse ruinssss. You ssshould be sssave ssssere!”

“Thank you for your offer; be assured that we shall respect your wishes.”

“Show some respect, you puny newt!”

“I hope you will never leave sssse sssswamp; sssat way, we will be able to plassse our eggssss in your rotting corpssssesss.”

“But we need your help!”

“We help no one, becaussse no one helpssss ussss.”

“Guess we’re stuck then; thanks anyway.”
“No thanks, we’re wise to that little trick. Go help yourselves; we do.”

They are quite obviously attempting to avoid you.

“And what if we were to help you?”

The Lizard Man looks at you for a long time, then he turns to his people and they converse for a while in a language that sounds more like the hissing of a snake and the gurgle of swamp water than recognizable words to your ears. When he turns back toward you, his facial expression is unchanged, but the green color of his dorsal crest has darkened appreciably.

“In ssse middle of sse sssswamp, easssst of here, sssere issss a big monsssster sssat eatsss a lot of our eggssss. Kill it, and we will help you.”

With that, he turns away, and the Lizard Men disperse.

When you return to the village, a congregation of Lizard Men is waiting for you. The village chief, whose crest shows a dark green hue, looks at you and says:

You have helped ussss, sssso we will help you. Ssssere isss a Human woman in ssse ssssouth of sse ssswampsss. She knowsss about a lot of sssingsss. It isss not easssy to find her, ssssough. She valuessss her privassssy.


We can’t help you wissss ssssat.


We can’t help you wissss ssssat.


It isss big here, and easss to get losssst! If you are looking for a Human male, who came from ssssome buildingsss mad of sssstone weeksss ago… - He’sss sssstill alive, ssssough he doessssn’t eksssissst any more. We don’t know any more, but ssssere isss a Human woman in ssse ssssouth of sse ssswampsss. Asssk her; she knowsss about a lot of sssingsss. It isss not easssy to find her, ssssough. She valuessss her privassssy.


It isss big, and easssy to get losssst. But sssse biggessst danger isss getting sssick; never drink from dirty water! If you are looking for a Human male, who came from ssssome buildingsss mad of sssstone weeksss ago… - He’sss sssstill alive, ssssough he doessssn’t eksssissst any more. We don’t know any more, but ssssere isss a Human woman in ssse ssssouth of sse ssswampsss. Asssk her; she knowsss about a lot of sssingsss. It isss not easssy to find her, ssssough. She valuessss her privassssy.


“Far easssst of here ssssere live brossserss of oursss, and Chief Azl-Azl told ussss of Men who came to find thisss axssse. A Man woman had asssked ssssem for sssisss, a mighty warrioresss, but sssere wasss sssomesssing wrong wisss her. Shee wanted the axssse asss a gift for the ghossstsss, but it belonged to different ghossstss, ssso she did not get it. You better assk sssseir Man ssservantsss, in Man plassesss wisss lot of money.

I don’t know anyssssing about ssssat.

Aksssept again our ssssankss for your help.

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