Rashtul Lynx

Arkania Online Monsters - Rashtul Lynx
The Raschtul lynx is closely related to the bobcat and differs little from its cousin apart from the yellow to tan striped fur. The animals mostly live in forested mountain slopes, where they often claim numerous small caves scattered throughout their territory as resting places. If a Raschtul lynx is disturbed and cornered there, it will fight wildly and doggedly for its life.

Location: Raschtullswall, Arania, Almada, Mhanadistan (forest and foresty mountain edges)
Body Length: 3 spans Weight 18 stones
CR 7 (d6+3) AT 17 PA 5
LP 20 (2d6+13) AR 1 Damage 2d+1 (claws + bite)
MP 12 END 20 MR -5 Danger 6
Hunt: +15, diversionary attack and flight
Loot: 5 rations, pelt (3S)