Red Lynx

Arkania Online Monsters - Red Lynx
Bobcats have reddish-brown striped fur. The animals claim a fairly large territory for themselves, as deep as possible in the forest, which they also defend against larger intruders if necessary. You will almost never encounter a bobcat in fields or open grasslands, because even rabid lynx rarely venture out of the forest.

Location: North and Center Aventuria, Tobria, Almada, Fairfield Forests
Body Length: 1 step Weight: 30 stones
CR 15 (d6+12) AT 14/18* PA 6
LP 30 (2d6+23) AR 1
* claws d6+4
* bite d6+6 *
MP 12 END 20 MR -2 Danger 10
Hunt: +15, Loot: 10 rations, pelt (1D)

* The AT value after the slash is for a surprise attack from an ambush, which the lynx executes while jumping with paws and teeth at the same time.
** The lynx attacks with its paws, but if the AT check rolls a 1, the animal bites at the same time.
*** The firn lynx has 2 attacks per combat round (paws and teeth) against the same opponent.