Sun Lynx

Arkania Online Monsters - Sun Lynx
The sun lynxes, which have a completely light brown fur, are so praised for their courage that they are regarded as the nocturnal watchmen of Praios. They even venture into civilized areas during the day and will soon engage with other predators, even if they are significantly larger. If seriously injured in combat, they flee, but it has often been said that they will then chase the opponent for days before resuming the fight.

Location: Salamander Forest, Bornland forests
Body Length: 6 steps Weight: 40 stones
CR 20 (d6+17) AT 15/18* PA 4
LP 35 (d6+28) AR 1
* claws d6+4
* bite d6+5
MP 13 END 20 MR 0 Danger 11
Hunt: +15, Loot: 12 rations, pelt 15S

* The AT value after the slash is for a surprise attack from an ambush, which the lynx executes while jumping with paws and teeth at the same time.
** The lynx attacks with its paws, but if the AT check rolls a 1, the animal bites at the same time.
*** The firn lynx has 2 attacks per combat round (paws and teeth) against the same opponent.