Burrowers are really strange beings. There are chubby little ones and lanky big ones, but they all share large, black, light-sensitive eyes and impenetrable stone-like skin that severely limits their mobility. What the burrowers feed on is unclear, but one has to assume that they eat stones. Since burrowers never leave their lair, you can only encounter them there. Normally, these strange creatures will flee at the sight of a torch, so it's almost impossible to fight them. However, if you corner a burrower in a dead tunnel with a torch or other light, it will attack because it has no other choice. The stony skin of the burrowing shrew proves its worth in battle - it is almost impossible to get rid of it with normal weapons. That's why the fight with a delirium can take a long time. The strange creature mostly uses its fists for its attacks. Sometimes they also bite. The bite of a burrow mole is sharp and penetrates all types of armor, after all the creatures also bite through granite and other hard rock. Normally the bite should be enough of painful experience to let the burrowers go and stop bothering with them - it's not worth it anyway, as they're little smarter than the rock they're gnawing on every day.
Locations: mountains throughout Aventuria Height 3-2 paces Weight 10-90 stones CR d6+2 WD d6 IN d6+1 CH d6 AG d6+2 DX d6+1 ST 4d6+4 AT 7/1* PA 3 LP 50 8d6+22 AR 8 Damage * fist d6+4 * teeth d20+5 MP 2 END 100 MR 7 2d6 Danger 14
* If the master rolls a 1 when attacking for the burrow mole, it counts as an attack with the extremely sharp teeth, dealing d20+5 points of damage.