Ghul / Ghoul

Arkania Online Monsters - Ghul / Ghoul
Ghouls are every Boron field's terror, for ghouls are corpse eaters. However, they do not shy away from attacking and mauling living creatures. Ghouls are roughly human-like in appearance, but possess long clawed hands, a protruding jaw with terrible fangs, and a grey-green complexion. They dwell in crypts or self-dug burrows during the day, as bright sunlight is lethal to them. Anyone who encounters a ghoul while it is plundering a secret space must make a Necrophobia test of -2, otherwise he is either almost paralyzed with shock or runs away screaming (Courage roll).

Height 8-10 spans Weight: 60-80 stones
CR 25 d6+21 AT 10* PA 9
LP 40 2d6+33 AR 2 Damage:
* claws d6+4 * bite 2d6+2*

* The ghoul always attacks with its claws. With a targeted attack (AT roll 1) bite and poison: level 15, per combat round ST and AG each -1 for 2d20 combat rounds, ST or AG drop to zero, complete paralysis sets in. Stats regenerate after three hours with one point per SR. Anyone who has survived a ghoul bite and is not treated with a healing potion, an antidote or the Klarum Purum spell will turn into a ghoul within three days with a 10% probability (19, 20 on D20).