Sumpfranze / Swamp Rantzy

Arkania Online Monsters - Sumpfranze / Swamp Rantzy
A single swamp rantzy is harmless, for these monkeys are exceedingly cowardly and will flee if they see a human from a distance. In winter, however, when food is scarce in the swamp, they band together in larger groups (d20+10) and become extremely dangerous. You can often see the loitering monkeys from afar - but the pack waits until you get close. At first, only a few monkeys from the group willingly attack, but once the start is made, the mood becomes increasingly belligerent.
The swamp rantzies don't fight with much thought or organization - they throw rocks, kick and thrash about just as they please. When the monkeys are defeated, they often flee into the swamp as if on cue.

Location: Bornland, North and Shouth Aventuria (swamps)
Height: 7 spans Weight: 40-50 stones
CR 7 d6+3 AT 9 PA 4
LP 25 d6+21 AR 2 Damage d6+3
MP 8 END 50 MR -4 Danger 5 (pack 12)
Hunt: +2, Loot: inedible rations, pelt (0S)